Friday, June 19, 2015

Young Robin – My Point Proven

Last evening, my husband and I were going down to visit with some friends.  Just before we left, I grabbed my camera and my husband asked… “why are you taking the camera, we’re not really going very far?”  My answer to that was…. “you never know what you might see’'.  We didn’t even make it out of the driveway when I spotted this young robin, who could barely fly, sitting on the fence right next to our vehicle.  My point proven………….you never know!



Anonymous said...

You are right never know what you are going to see even if it is a robin. Max

LeAnn said...

Yes, you never know! My family almost hides when I come around with my camera. Loved the shot of the Robin.
Blessings and hugs~

Deb J. in Utah said...

Great picture! I carry my "point and shoot" Nikon Coolpix around in my purse most of the time. You never know when you will find a good picture! Enjoy the coming weekend.