The picture below was taken in October of another year, but in the same direction as the picture above. It gives you an idea of how big the mountains out our front door really are.
Everything around us has totally lost it’s beauty. It doesn’t show in the photo, but you can actually see all the smoke filtering through and around all the trees. And while driving down the highway, you can see it misting across the road. It reminds me of the green haze they used in “The Ten Commandments”, movie.
Below are some before (July 28th) and some after (August 18th) photos. Pretty dreary and smelly in our little valley right now.
We’ve even had reports of people noticing ash on their vehicles. Wow, I can only imagine what it is like living directly where the fires are and my heart goes out to those people.
Wow, what a difference! You live in such a beautiful area. We are really starting to miss the mountains. Sure, we have "mountains" here in Phoenix, they are nothing like the mountains of Utah, Idaho and Colorado! This fire is such a tragedy. So sad for all those affected by it. Interesting and awesome pictures!
We hiked up Burma Rd a little today and could not see any of the valley below us. Plus my eyes were burning and it smelled so bad we cut it short.
It is hazy in utah also with the fires in all the states around us burning...Max
We just got back from Spokane on Monday. When we first got there the smoke was so bad; you didn't want to breathe.
Saturday it cleared out for a while and then back on Sunday. The Salt Lake Valley has had a lot too. Today was nice.
I liked the comparison pictures.
Still praying for the firemen that are fighting these horrible fires.
Blessings and hugs!
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