OhMyGoodness…………..what a weekend it was. My husband and I headed across the dessert on Friday because he had a dental appointment in Rexburg and it was mine and my grandsons birthdays. My grandson was born on the 24th, I was born on the 23rd, and his late grandmother was born on the 22nd. After my husbands dental appointment, we headed to our daughters home where we were planning on going out to dinner, staying the night and then celebrating Grayson’s 1st birthday the following day.
Grayson had the stomach flu on Wednesday but had not thrown up for two days. He was acting fine but he would not eat or drink anything and he went approximately 12 hours without wetting a diaper. On Saturday morning a little before 8am, Grayson drank a few ounces from his bottle but threw it up. My daughter and her husband decided to take him to emergency care to see if he was dehydrated and to see what else might be going on. The emergency care place tried to get an I.V. in him but was unable to do so, so they called the hospital to let them know that my daughter and her husband would be bringing him there. They had a difficult time getting an I.V. in him at the hospital too, but eventually they got one in. I had a very difficult time being in the room so I left and roamed the halls for awhile. Wow……I’m thinking this was as hard on me as it was my daughter. After getting the I.V. in, my son-in-law was sitting by Grayson and playing “White Noise” on his phone to calm him.

To protect the I.V. line, they put a temporary thing on his arm to hold it in place and to keep him from bending his arm. His blood sugar was also low so per doctor request, my daughter gave him a bottle to see if we could get it up. Yeah, he did take his bottle….

Each time they took a test for his blood sugar, they had to prick his little fingers……poor little guy, he was not happy with his hospital experiences. He was so exhausted, that he was finally able to fall asleep for approximately an hour or so.

The doctor must have been reading his charts because when he came in the room, he said, “Ah, I didn’t know it was his birthday”, and he left. He came back a few minutes later with a cowboy blanket, a yellow bear, and a little wooden car. He said to give them to Grayson for his birthday and told us that some women made the blanket and some other man had made the car. What a sweet gesture!

In the following picture, Grayson’s daddy was holding him while his little cousins from Texas sang Happy Birthday to him. They were so cute.

After what seemed like hours…it actually was, they decided to keep Grayson overnight to monitor him because he had lots of diarrhea diapers and they wanted to get his blood sugar up. They just kept him on the bed he had been using and wheeled him up to the infant/children's floor. He liked the ride there and did not cry at all during his ride.

When he got to his room, it was a different story….he cried a lot, even with his binky in.

After they were through getting him all set up, my daughter gave him another bottle.

After he finished his bottle, he looked right over at grandma…that would be ME…and gave me the biggest smile. Ahhh-h-h-h, melt my HEART……..!!!

A little after 3pm, my husband and I decided we’d better leave so we could get home before dark. To reach our home area in the evening is taking chances of hitting deer on the road. Been there, done that a few times. Just the week before, just before dark, a deer came running on the highway, running along side our car for a ways before darting in front of us. We don’t know how we missed hitting him, but we did………..Yeah!
It was hard, very hard, leaving our little grandson but he was in great hands and our daughter and her husband were spending the night in his room.
The doctor released him Sunday evening to go home. He cried most of the day yesterday but today, January 28th, he has been the best little boy. But, as luck would have it, my daughter now has the flu. She said that Grayson has been so good today that she was able to lay on the couch while he played in the living room. Tender Mercies, for sure.