Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Panning For Gold

My daughter and my cousin came to visit this past weekend.  My cousin is big on panning for gold so we went to some places on the river and also a creek.  Even though we didn’t get RICH, we sure had a whole lot of fun.  Who would of thought that getting mud in a pan, swishing it around with water and looking for little gold flakes (more like specks) could be so much fun.  We actually found some flecks (or what my cousin would call – flour gold) of gold but they were super tiny and wouldn’t amount to anything but still, we sure had a great time.  Just being outdoors along the river and in the hills among the pines made my day.  Who knows, where I just retired from work, maybe I’ll find my fortune panning – Ha!








Anonymous said...

These are some cool pictures. Panning for gold is fun. Some day I will get rich..Janis...

Anonymous said...

Who knows, maybe next time you will strike it RICH. I have my doubts but you never know. Max