This morning we had a few little spittle rains but nothing worth mentioning. This evening around 6:30 p.m. we had a nice rain storm. Exciting, exciting, exciting! We haven’t had rain in our valley for quite some time now and everything is really dry. I’ve been watering my potted plants on a daily basis and we’ve been watering the garden a lot. One of my most favorite things about rain is listening to the thunder. Love thunder. I also love to watch a good lightening storm but those can be quite dangerous. While taking the following video, I didn’t even notice that near the end, my poor husband is walking along the fence line, making his way to our home to get out of the rain. He was out changing the wheel lines when the storm hit.
Catching a photo of the rain flowing out of our rain gutter.

My husband decided to place a bucket under the water coming from the rain gutter and in no time, the bucket filled to the top.

From this picture that was taken to the right-hand side of our home, you would never know we were getting a rain storm. The sky is a gorgeous blue with fluffy white clouds.

But then, just barely above the prettiness, there are beautiful, dark rain clouds.

And, further out, the entire sky is dark – Yeah! Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain. Singing the Christmas song “Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow” but replaced the word with rain.