Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

First off, I thought I'd better get Thanksgiving posted before Christmas came (4 more days).  Ha!
Go figure, for Thanksgiving, we went to our daughters home and our other daughter came up from Utah and I didn't get  any T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G  D.I.N.N.E.R pictures.  Aggghhhhh!  I did, however, get some pictures of a drive we took the following day.  We headed up the road towards Kelly Canyon and after driving a few miles up, there was a truck that seemed to have skidded on the ice/snow and was turned sideways in the middle of the road so we had to turn around and come back down.  I took a few pictures as we were coming down the mountain....
After we got back down, we decided to park our vehicle and go for a walk along the river.  It was pretty cold so we all bundled up, wearing our coats, hats/hoods, and gloves.
A lot of our trail/road looked like this.....
And then a lot of our trail/road looked like this..... making some little side-of-the-road detours a must!
We came across a point by the side of the road where a beaver had chewed down a tree.
And we came across some cattails growing in a marshy spot.  I loved these cattails - beautiful!
By the time we decided to head back to our vehicle (somewhere around 2:30), it had warmed up a bit and we were shedding our hoods.  What a wonderful Thanksgiving...spending time with family.


LeAnn said...

It does look like a fun walk. I liked the narrative.Blessings and hugs~

Deb J. in Utah said...

Great pictures. So glad you were able to be with both your daughters for Thanksgiving! Have a wonderful Christmas! Will look forward to more of your posts in 2017!

LeAnn said...

Dearest Marsha, I just had to let you know how much I have enjoyed our friendship and I certainly hope we will meet one day. I have loved following our blog. You are such an wonderful woman and so creative. I have loved your thoughts and photos.
May you have a lovely Christmas celebration with family. May you feel the love and peace of the Savior in your hearts and home this Christmas season.
With much love,

Barb said...


Well, first of all, I LOVE KELLY CANYON! My father was born right down the road from Kelly's. My mother is from Ririe, and worked at Heise. In fact, she met my dad there. I have many fun memories in that neck of the woods!! What fun photos of your family, and just a fun day!!
