Thursday, April 14, 2016

LED Diamond Water Droplets

I noticed when I looked out my windows this morning that it had rained a bit.  When I looked at the fence, it was so pretty… looked like little diamond jewels were hanging from each level of wire on the fence.  Of course the camera didn’t capture the beauty as I saw it, but each water droplet reflected the sun so brightly that it also looked like little LED lights were strung along the fence.IMG_2589


As I turned to head back into the house, the view of the hills and mountain being topped with a mist of low-lying clouds was so beautiful.  YES….a beautiful, crisp, filled with God’s wonders, DAY!




Anonymous said...

That looks cool. They look like frozen rain drops..Max

Deb J. in Utah said...

Yes, it does look like a simply gorgeous day in beautiful Idaho! Have a good one!

daiseedeb said...

mmmmmmm.....what a wonder. I love how you love this beautiful place we live in. ; )

Anonymous said...

Hi Marsha!

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful view you have! And, doesn't it make you mad when you can't capture what you see?! I'm sure it was gorgeous!

We will be leaving for Challis on Monday! I can't wait to get into that beautiful country!


LeAnn said...

This are lovely photos. I love how you were able to capture the water drops on the fences. You do live in a beautiful place. Blessings and hugs for you dear friend.