I saw the cutest, crochet pattern for a Little Bigfoot Bunny on the internet and decided that I wanted to make one for my grandson for Easter. Thinking Easter, I wanted it to be a pastel color. While looking over my sparse supply of yarn, I decided upon using a multi-pastel color. I had very little yarn of this color but I decided to take my chances because I actually didn’t have any other color that I thought would look like Easter colors. And yes, I cut it very close….I only had this much yarn left and still had one more ear to make.

Whew…….I just barely made it. This is how he looked after getting him all pinned down, ready to sew all his parts together.

At first, I made the toes on his feet using black yarn but I thought it looked to harsh so I sewed the other foot using blue yarn.

I decided to use the blue yarn…..but then, the decision….do I sew him together standing, or sitting. I actually liked him better sitting but I went with him standing because I thought he would be easier to cuddle and love. I also pinched his ears before sewing them on so they wouldn’t be so wide across the top of his head.

I made a computerized face on one of the pictures so I could visualize how I wanted to sew his face.

Needless to say, my bunny face did not turn out like I had wanted but I didn’t have time to change it. I will borrow it back another day and re-do his nose and mouth.
My crochet adventures are always pushing me down to the last minutes, crocheting madly!

For his little bunny tail, I wrapped yarn around my finger numerous times, tied it in the center, cut all the loops, and then finished it off with cutting the loops and giving it a nice trim.

My friend also made the most darling little tie and bow tie that he could wear, but I didn’t get a picture with it.
Who knows, through all my trials and errors and watching Youtube to see how to crochet, I might just be able to crochet a more advanced pattern, some day! I do enjoy crocheting, especially when making things for others. I’ve crocheted a few baby blankets, lots of baby booties, Elmo and this bunny……. I think I will venture out and try to do a more difficult pattern…or come to think of it……I could finish a baby blanket I started (ahem) a few years back that stumped me when trying to do the finishing edges.