Thursday, March 1, 2018

Time Out For Women - 2018

Below is a copy of this years ticket, being only one of five others purchased in previous years. And...unless of an emergency of some sort, I will not miss attending future years to come.  My youngest daughter is actually the one who purchases the tickets for us and thus, her name shows on the ticket.
TOFW (Time Out For Women) is the most uplifting, spiritual, funny, tearful, make-you-happy event that I can think of. My 2 daughters, my sister, and myself have been traveling to this event since 2012, only missing the year of 2014.  We started out attending the event in Idaho Falls, Idaho, for the first two years, but for the last four years, we have been traveling to Layton, Utah.  We have found that we enjoy the Layton, Utah venue much better.  They have more room for sitting, eating, bathroom stops, etc.  My oldest daughter moved to Oregon in October, so she was unable to attend this year.
This is a two-day event (if you'd can also just attend on Friday or Saturday).  Our Friday night program had the following speakers/musician:
And...our Saturday program had the following speakers/musicians:
FABULOUS is only one of the many words I can use to describe this event.  You can read about each of the presenters and learn a little about who they are, by clicking on their names... JENNY OAKS BAKER - LAUREL C. DAY - GAIL MILLER - MERCY RIVER - CAROL J. DECKER - MARY ELLEN EDMUNDS - ANTHONY SWEAT - ELAINE S. DALTON.
You can also read about each of the previous events we have attended by clicking on the following dates: March 2012 - March 2013 - February 2015 - February 2016 - February 2017.
The TOFW theme for this year was/is (there are still presenting venues available) "Centered in Christ" - with the scripture..."I am the vine, ye are the branches" - John 15:5. 
 Here is a schedule of the event places that you can still attend.
It's kind of humorous, but each year they pass out to each and every one in attendance, a tote...a tote that everyone looks forward to getting and wondering what it will look like.  Below is a picture of the tote we received this year.
At the event, they also have a huge room where people can display and sell items.  One of and a huge part of displays come from the Deseret Book Store.  While walking around and looking at everything during break time, I came across a charm that has the word "Listen" on it with a heart.  In our ward council meetings, our bishop has asked each of the leaders to really listen to the promptings we receive and to act upon them immediately.  After purchasing this charm and putting it on a chain that I regularly wear around my neck, it has really made me become aware of LISTENING.  In the few days I have had the charm and have been trying really hard to listen and follow those good promptings, I have had a few experiences that have come to my attention that I have acted upon, that have been really good.
If you are looking for one of those "Time-of-Your-Life" experiences, I encourage you to take the time and attend TOFW.  I promise, you will never regret it!


  1. I agree once you attend one of these you can't wait until the next one. We just went to this years and I am already looking forward to next year's. I really enjoyed our time together this year...Max

  2. Wow, I loved your post on Time Out For Women. I went two years ago with my daughter-in-laws and we had so much fun. I think I will see if they want to go this year. My daughter who is living with me would go to; so that would be extra fun. The presenters look like awesome ones You have inspired me to want to make it more of a traditon.
    I love the charm with listen on it. That is something I do need to continue to work on.
    Loved this one!
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!
