14 days of water problems………..It all started with our water pump (our home gets water from a well) continually kicking on and off. My husband searched every possible solution to find out where there might be a leak that would cause the pump to continually run. One-by-one, each area searched was checked off….NO LEAK. In the meantime, I had a 30 to 40 minute window of time each morning to use water in the house. While the cows were being watered out by the corrals each morning around 8am, that gave me those precious minutes where I could fill all my jugs, take a shower, fill the tub with water, etc. I planned my time carefully and quickly to get as much accomplished in that time as possible. During this time, as mentioned above, I needed to fill the tub so we could dip water out to flush the toilet during the day and night. To take a bath, I let most of the tub water out, then filled it back up using hot water to get it warm enough to take a bath. It finally came down to digging up the yard to see if we had a water line somewhere that was leaking.
This is the inside of our well house:

The replacement water pipe needed to be kept it in the house to keep it warm enough so when the time came to place it in the ground, it would unroll easily.

Digging up the yard………………a lot of yard!

When it rains, it pours. In the process of digging up the yard, a water line was broke which put a lot of dirt in the lines which resulted in clogging up the cold water line going into the house. Every time we turned the water on, dirt would come out and for a few days, we didn’t have any cold water except for a little that would come out of the kitchen sink. It took quite a bit of water running and blowing out the lines to get all the pipes flushed out. We also had the tub trap break under the house, which was so old we couldn’t find parts for, so we didn’t have the tub for a few days, either. It’s really been a fun process. Where we were unable to get the correct tub parts to get it fixed, my husband by-passed getting parts and fixed it using other parts…..how, what, where, why, or when, I can’t answer but as long as I can once again have running water in my home and be able to take my showers, flush a toilet, wash the dishes, wash clothes, etc…..I’m happy. We still don’t have a working bathroom sink, but that is easily remedied and all is well!
Oh, and did I mention that after all the digging, we did find a leak…..it was approximately 15 feet away from the last hydrant we were digging towards. Go figure. I guess, though, in the long run it turned out for the best because while we were at it, we just replaced all the corroded water pipes and found the problem with the tub and saved gallons of water from being empties out underneath our home.
We can always find something to be thankful for, we just need to look a bit harder at times.