My daughter has always loved Halloween, literally. She actually wanted to have her wedding reception in the Fall so she could have a Halloween themed reception. Her wedding was in April, so a Halloween reception was out of the question. After four years, I’m going to be a GRANDMA so I thought….Ok, no Halloween reception but how about a HALLOWEEN BABY SHOWER! Whooo-o-o-o-oT! I decided to make the invitations and address labels so it would be totally Halloween. And, since my daughter is a beautiful red-head, I thought I would put a little boy, with red hair, holding a pumpkin, on both the invitations and address labels. Fun! All the graphics I used were free, with the exception of the little boy holding the pumpkin. When I found him on the internet I knew I just had to have him so I went to the graphics place and bought the graphic. With the red hair, it fit our family perfectly.

Since I had paid for this graphic, I decided I was going to use him everywhere I could. I thought of a million things I could put him on to make as favors for the guests and after finally narrowing it down, I decided to make bath salts and put them in a 4oz. jar topped with that cute, little red-headed, boy. I tied pieces of fall colored material around the lid for a finishing touch.

I also had a very difficult time decided what refreshments to make. You have to understand……I’m in my first-time grandma, mode! It finally came down to: mini cheesecakes, Reese's Pieces, candy corn, pumpkin chip cookies, orange topped chocolate cupcakes, great pumpkin dessert, caramel popcorn with candy corns mixed in and a pumpkin eggnog drink.

And for the gifts, I can’t even begin to tell you how generous everyone was. The photo speaks for itself. Besides the gifts, my family from Utah sent up a card with enough money to purchase some nice things for the baby.

I’m telling you, we were wall-to-wall bodies in our home. The shower was very well attended. Small town people are fabulous!

Amber’s husband, Corey, wanted to attend the baby shower and I informed him that daddy’s did not come to baby showers and he said, “it’s my baby too” – Ahh. So after the games and while Amber was opening her gifts, we had Corey come and join the shower. He was such a good daddy-to-be…..he sat on the floor by Amber and sorted and folded all the tissue paper. I know….another Ahhh!