Our nephew, niece and their four children came up for BBQ weekend. They arrived late Friday night and then we stayed up talking till well after 1am visiting. We got up the next morning and I was preparing IHOP pancakes (knock-off recipe) for breakfast when their baby spotted the chocolate chips in the pantry. He kept wanting the chocolate chips so I thought……hmmmm…..why not, and I topped the pancakes with chocolate chips. I’m sure plenty of people have done this before but it was new to all of us and they really tasted quite good. We had some time before the BBQ so everyone went outside while I stayed in the house cleaning up after breakfast. Pretty soon, the girls came running in the house wanting a camera so they could take pictures of the cowboys…….real live cowboys! After they calmed down a bit, I got the story out of them that there were real live cowboys coming up the road. I got my camera and went to see what all their excitement was about. They took me to the front of the house and showed me their excitement. Our neighbors had been moving cattle and were headed back up the road. They stopped and talked to us and asked the girls if they would like a ride on the horses. I think the BBQ excitement just went out the window at that point. City girls on country horses – YESSSSSSSSS!

Then, of course, they wanted to get a picture of the real-life COWGIRL.

When it was time, we headed to the BBQ. The Mackay BBQ is an event the occurs every year at the tourist park. People come from all over, just to get a free roast beef sandwich and enjoy the company and entertainment. A fire is started the night before the BBQ in a big brick oven and then many, many roasts are put on trays. After everything is ready to go, the roasts are wheeled into the oven where they cook all night long, ready for the big event the following afternoon.

That evening after dinner and everything had quieted down a bit, we headed outside for smores. Instead of using graham crackers, chocolate bars and marshmallows, we did the cheat smores where we just added roasted marshmallows to fudge stripe cookies. Fun, Fun, Fun!