Saturday, July 25, 2015

Double Meniscus Tear Repair

Back in February 2015, my knee was very swollen and painful.  I went to a local doctor who informed me that I had bursitis.  Ok, I can deal with this….so for five months, I babied this knee in hopes that it would get better.  Well, it didn’t….it would go through phases of feeling a little better but it never got to the point where I was pain free. 
A few weeks ago, my daughter came for a visit and my knee was sore but not what you would call painful, so I volunteered to babysit my little 17-month old grandson while she went to the rodeo with one of her high school friends.  I was the only one home with my grandson and I knelt on the floor to change his diaper and BAM! – it was all I could do to get up off of the floor.  Excruciating pain shot through my knee.  I made it to a chair where I sat down and my little grandson came and sat on my lap and we watched “Dinosaur Train” (over and over (he really likes this show)……..again), until my daughter got home.
Finally, I bit the bullet and decided to go to Dr. Biddulph, an orthopedic specialist in Idaho Falls to find out what was going on.  After x-rays and an MRI, it was determined that I had torn the meniscus (cartilage) on both sides of my knee.  I decided to get surgery and my appointment was set for July 21st.  The surgery went well and that evening, we (my husband and I) were on our way across the dessert and back to our home.  But, before heading home, we went to Wal-mart to pick up a prescription ordered by the doctor.  I was bored sitting in our vehicle while my husband went in the store so I snapped a few pictures of my leg.

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When My husband came out of the store, beside getting my meds, he brought me some flowers.  I’ve never seen flowers with purple leaves before.  I’ve been trying to figure out if the leaves are this color originally or if they were sprayed/painted with something.  They sure are beautiful.




As it just so happened to be, back in October of 2014, I was making denim jean bags to put on walkers to give to the elderly in our valley.  Who knew that I would be the one needing to use one of these bags.  I had this one out to give to my sister while she was here visiting, so she could take it back to Utah with her to give to my other sister who wanted another one for her other walker.  Well, I forgot to give it to her and now I am using it for myself.  They really are useful.  I had my water bottle, phone, t.v. control, CAMERA and snacks all inside the bag, close at hand, since I was to be non-weight bearing for 3 days.


NON-WEIGHT BEARING for 3 days………………Aghhhhhh!  I have absolutely been going nuts.  Bored enough to take more pictures of my leg.

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Wahoo…..late last night was my 3rd day so as directed by the doctor, it was time to take the wrap off and change the bandages.  My leg was so orange/yellow from the betadine used at surgery time that it really made my leg look sick and all wrinkly.  And for the sake of my viewers, and me being a red-head, my legs are blinding white so I put this photo into PicMonkey and gave myself a little spray tan on the left leg so the glare wouldn’t obscure (verb: Keep from being seen; conceal.) the photo.


The longer the wrap was off, the better my leg was looking.


After doing my P.T. exercises, I had to put the wrappings back on and was told to keep the wrappings on and to keep it dry until my next doctor visit, which isn’t until Aug. 3rd.  My daughter, who is a P.T.A, said the wrapping needs to stay on to keep the swelling down. 
Ok, enough……..spit baths just aren’t enough for me.  I’m used to taking a shower every morning.  While lying in bed this morning, I’ve been thinking of ways I can get my shower.  I’m going to tie and tape a garbage bag around my leg and hope that will do the trick.  I am able to put some pressure on the leg today so I’m sure I can stand in the shower for a short time.  You know, as I’ve stated before……..a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!


  1. In comparison to your other leg it looks swollen. Your flowers are really pretty that was nice surprise. Oh yeah, you forgot to mention your sister (me) and my husband and your brother and his wife were visiting you on the same weekend and we kept HOUNDING you until you called and got an appointment. Since your brother and I have both had total knee replacements we didn't want you to put it off since it had already been bad since February. Glad all is going well with your surgery....Max

  2. Oh my gosh, Marsha; I am so sorry about you having to have knee surgery. I had a similar problem three years ago. I had what they a Baker's Cyst behind the knee with a small tear. I can relate to the pain on this one. I will probably have to have a knee replacement since mine is almost bone on bone. However, I haven't had any problems with it for a long time; so I am hoping to prevent it by keeping some weight off.
    I remember the challenge of not being able to shower; but the garbage bag cover should work. You will be in my prayers!
    I thoughts the pictures were great and told the story. Isn't Pic Monkey awesome.
    Blessings and hugs for you!

  3. Hey my friend, hope you are doing well and healing up quickly! I have knee issues too, so I literally can "feel your pain." Not fun, but hopefully much better now. I love the flowers from your husband. How thoughtful! Hang tough and heal up soon!

  4. Your knee actually looks pretty good, although painfully swollen. And you were walking around all fancy pants with no walker on Sunday like you hadn't just had surgery. You didn't smell bad even a little, so you must have figured out how to shower :)
