Tuesday, July 28, 2015

All Natural Betadine Remover/Cleaner

Since having my meniscus surgery, I tried washing off the Betadine and it was near impossible.  I didn’t just have Betadine on the knee area, but I had it all down my leg.  I got on the internet and it said you could use alcohol but to me, alcohol stinks and it dries out your skin.  I could not find anything else to use so I remembered the all natural Sticky Gunk Remover that I had made from essential oils and fractionated coconut oil and I thought, hey, if this stuff works on sticky bottle labels, it surely would work on Betadine……and yes, it did.  I needed to rub it with a clean cloth for awhile, like with the alcohol, but it did come off and sure smelled a lot better.
I forgot to take a before picture with the Betadine all down my leg but you can surely see in the picture how clean the leg looks now…..with the exception of the knee area.  Where the knee is still a little painful and quite swollen, I thought I’d better wait till later to clean it.

new leg


  1. We saw a before picture in your other blog. This one looks better for sure. It still looks swollen. hopefully it will soon get back to normal then it will feel a lot better..Max

  2. It looks like you did a good job on cleaning it up. I remember that beta dine look on the leg. I probably just used the alcohol.
    Blessings and hugs for you!
