Monday, August 6, 2018

Grandson and Grandpa Time

Our daughter and her family came from Oregon to spend time (a week) with us the third week of June.  Since their move to Oregon last October, our visits are few and long in coming.  I sure miss them.  One (or two) of the special times spent while they were here was at the school playground.  Grandpa actually had the time to come in out of the fields and get in some quality family time.  I love these pictures of our little grandson and grandpa!
And yes, it was a hot day and grandpa is wearing a  jacket - haven't figured that one out, yet?!  In his defense though, it was raining off and on for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. So happy that your husband could spend quality Grandpa time. I love all the fun photos.
    Blessings and hugs!
