Monday, June 25, 2018

Idaho Tornado

On Tuesday, June 21st, my husband and I were walking out to the garden to check on some gopher traps.  My husband looked towards the East and told me to look.  He exclaimed that what we were looking at was indeed a tornado.  Now, in our little town in Idaho, that is something you don't see every day.  In fact, in the 60+ years of my husband living here (with the exception of years missed from serving a mission in England and college), he has never, ever, seen one.
I told him I was heading to the house to get my camera and he told me I'd better run because it would probably disappear fast.  R.U.N.!  Was he serious?!  But, in a round-about-way, I did run to the house, if you want to call it running.
After getting my camera, I did not go back to the garden area but headed to the fence in our backyard and took my photos from there.  Amazing, really something amazing to see.  It was approximately 15-18 miles from our home but it was large enough that it gave me the opportunity to get a few photos before disappearing back into the sky. 
You can go HERE, if you would like to watch the news footage that someone else in the area captured on video.  Their footage was coming from a different angle and the tornado looked white,  whereas our view showed us a much darker tornado.


  1. Wow, those are incredible photos of the tornado. Kind of scary to see the strange weather we are having. We had a hugs hailstorm and I haven’t ever seen hail that large. I would say it is signs of the times! Blessings and hugs~

  2. A great shot you were really lucky to get. Must have run faster than you thought ha ha...Max

  3. Hi Marsha~

    WOW!! Your photos are amazing, truly! You should send them to the news! I have never seen a tornado, was it scary? One time as we were driving home from Alabama, we followed a tornado and witnessed the terrible upheaval it left in it's path. We really have had the strangest weather this year...kinda scary...or exciting, depending on where you are.

    Take care sweet friend!

    Hugs and Love,

  4. Wow, that is really something! I didn't hear about that!

  5. Wow!!! That is amazing. My Uncle David was in Leslie mowing his lawn and got a picture of it that he posted on facebook, but NOTHING like this photo!

    Great work. National Weather service needs your mad skills!
