Saturday, January 21, 2017

February 2017 Visiting Teaching Handout and Poster...Christ's Atonement Is Evidence of God's Love

In making this handout/poster, the statement by Linda K. Burton hit strong and true. The Atonement, such an act of selfless love should send all of us to our knees, giving thanks to our Heavenly Father.
While thinking about the Atonement and looking at different quotes on the internet, I came across one by Louise Smith .  It has a sense of humor to it but still, oh so fitting for many circumstances...You can't reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday's junk.


  1. Hi Marsha~

    Really love this quote... :0) I also need to put down yesterdays junk, and just get moving!!


  2. That quote at the end is spot on and one I need to remember. Hope you have a great week!

  3. I really really love this one; thanks for sharing it. I will want to use this quote in our missionary work. We teach on the Atonement more than almost any other subject. Hugs for this one~
