Monday, January 23, 2017

Be Careful What You Pray For...You Just Might Get It!...Still Getting Snow

For quite a few years now, our little valley has been in drought conditions.  It seems like a lot of times when someone is giving a prayer, they pray for much needed moisture to quench our little valley.  This morning I gave a little chuckle to myself as I thought of a quote that states...Be careful what you pray for, you just might get it.  Seriously though, we really do need the moisture.  We received about another 4" yesterday and today it has snowed off and on but the wind, oh my, the wind has not made it pleasant to be outdoors.  Drifts, there are drifts everywhere, making the roads a mess.  Really, this is what winters used to be.....................


  1. We are getting the same kind of weather here; except probably a bit milder. We are snowing and then it turns to rain and then back and forth. It seems strange how the tempeture changes within hours back and forth. We too need the moisture so we can't complain.
    Thanks for showing the photos.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Hi Marsha!

    What a great birthday present!! We got 12 inches yesterday, we are snowed in! Bob is plowing the snow off of the lawn to make room for the snow in the driveway . . . it's crazy!! Loved seeing your beautiful yard and all the marshmallows on the bushes!


    P.S. Hope you had a great birthday!!

  3. I am loving the snow, it hasn't bugged me at all. I just get to stay home and do my own thing and I love being home bound. Now ask me how I feel in March and it may be different...
