Friday, April 10, 2015

How To Coil a Long Cord

As I was reviewing Jillee’s blog, she posted about 49 creative uses for your hair dryer.  Among those 49 uses, there was one on how to coil a USB cord and from there, it directed me to the Instructables site with the instructions on how to do this.  The cord to my Kindle is 6 ft. long and always getting in the way.  So, per the instructions on the Instructables site, I proceeded to coil my Kindle cord. 


After measuring out 6” of cord, I taped my cord to a pencil and wrapped the remaining cord around the pencil.  I wrapped my cord until I had 6” left and then taped the other end down.


I laid my coiled cord (still wrapped around the pencil) on a towel, turned my hairdryer on high, held it fairly close to my coiled cord and proceeded to slowly heat the cord, rotating the pencil as I went.  After my cord was pretty warm to the touch, I quit using the hairdryer and placed my coiled cord in the refrigerator to cool down.  When it was totally cool, I removed the tape, pulled out the pencil and Voila, I had myself a nice, coiled Kindle cord.  It worked wonderful!  Bye-bye tangled up messy cord………hello new out-of-the-way, easy to use, cord.


I pulled and tugged on my cord slightly, just to see if it would stay coiled and, well, you can see for yourself the results.  It’s like the old telephone cords (ahem, of which I still have one in my home hanging on the wall)…… stretches to where I need.



  1. Hi Marsha~

    Who knew! I am definitely going to do this. I have cords to phones, lap tops and Kindles that really need to be out of the way. Thanks!


  2. Cool. That looks like something even I can do.

  3. That was amazing; I wonder how people come up with ideas like this one.
    Thanks for dropping by my post and making a comment.
    I am going to be back to visit again.
