Friday, September 12, 2014

Kenmore Stackable Washer and Dryer Set

I wrote about my Kenmore Stackable Washer and Dryer back in October of 2012. 


A few months ago, my very loved washer flooded my washing area, totally.  I had a neighbor come and look at it and he tried to fix it but the washer wanted no part of it.  I have been going to the laundry mat for a few months so it was time to call in the professionals.  He came to our home yesterday and gave me the BAD NEWS.  My Kenmore washing unit was in bad shape and it would cost around $500 to get it fixed.  I asked him, in his professional opinion, what would he do…………..fix it or buy new.  He stated that where it is as old as it is, more things could go wrong and he suggested getting new.  Oh my, he broke my heart.  The way things are made now (definitely not built to last), I know I will never, ever be able to purchase a machine as good as this one has been.  In the past, we have purchased Kenmore products because of their dependability (my microwave also lasted between 20-25 years).  Now, upon reading reviews and best star ratings, Kenmore is not even mentioned and the reviews I did read, they had some pretty bad ones.  The stackable machine that had the best ratings and reviews was the GE.  Well, here goes to making up my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd mind as to which unit would work the best for me……………..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marsha!

    I hate appliance problems! We had to purchase a new refrigerator a few months ago, and the salesman told us that the life expectancy of a new refrigerator is only 10 years!! I have one in my garage that is almost 30 years old, and it is chugging away like nobody's business! It's hard to find good quality . . . anything! Good luck with the hunt. My friend has stacking washer/dryer, and she loves it. Not sure what kind it is, but it has worked well for her.

    The flies have been horrible here too! Everyone I talk to says the same thing, I wonder what it means?! I like to do things naturally too, but sometimes, they simply aren't as good as the good ol' standbys.

    So, who was your father-in-law? My husband was practically raised in Bone! His family had a ranch there when they were kids, and his uncle's ranch has been in the family for a very long time!! My goodness it is a small world! We love that part of the world and go there as often as we can.

    The little fawns are adorable!

