Saturday, March 8, 2014

“Bull”arney Stones….Sugar Cookies

According to Wikipedia, this is their definition of the blarney stone.

The Blarney Stone (Irish: Cloch na Blarnan) is a block of bluestone built into the battlements of Blarney Castle, Blarney, about 8 kilometres (5 mi) from Cork, Ireland. According to legend, kissing the stone endows the kisser with the gift of the gab (great eloquence or skill at flattery). The stone was set into a tower of the castle in 1446. The castle is a popular tourist site in Ireland, attracting visitors from all over the world to kiss the stone and tour the castle and its gardens.

The word blarney has come to mean "clever, flattering, or coaxing talk". John O'Connor Power's definition is succinct: 'Blarney is something more than mere flattery. It is flattery sweetened by humour and flavoured by wit. Those who mix with Irish folk have many examples of it in their everyday experience.


Now, my definition is a bit different.  This was a few years back that the idea came to me to make some sugar cookies and put green dye in them and take them to work for St. Patrick’s Day.  I made the cookies and then thought I wanted to put a sign with them.  I didn’t want just any ordinary sign and my thoughts went into another direction and putting a play on the words “Blarney Stone”, this is what I finally came up with……..”Bull”arney Stones”.  With this, I didn’t/don’t mean any disrespect to anyone.  Just something fun for St. Patrick’s Day.


Here is the cookie recipe I used.  They are a really good, drop sugar cookie.


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