I spent the past week over at my daughters home and had myself a little Grandma Time.
One morning while sitting at the table eating breakfast, this little fella was running around the deck. He didn’t seem bothered in the least that I was standing at the deck doors taking his picture.
I didn’t get a picture of the mess that was made all over the mirror and vanity of a cleaning concoction that my daughter made….but we laughed a good one over it. She had heard that if you mix Dawn dish soap, baking soda, and peroxide together that it will take out baby stains from their little onesies, jammies, etc. She mixed it up, put it on a little onesie, put the flip top down on the bottle and hoped it would work at taking out the stains. Yes, after letting the onesie sit overnight, it took the stain right out….it worked wonderfully! BUT, here is where the mess came in. She noticed the plastic bottle that she made the cleaner in was bulging so she flipped up the lid and WHOOSH… we had a little problem of shooting cleanser. Maybe it was just one of those moments that you just had to be there, but for us, it was a good laugh. Just in case you want to make your own cleanser to take out baby stains, you mix equal parts of soap, soda and peroxide. Just don’t get to anxious to seal off your container until the ingredients have had time to chillax for a long amount of time.
About time you put a picture of him on you have been home several days..ha ha Max Glad you had some grandma time