All the trees are still barren with not a trace of a bud. I must have been disturbing a nesting area because a pair of these big, black birds kept flying all around me. You can see one of them flying above the tree in the first photo. There was also a pair of hawks circling me but I wasn't able to get a picture of them.
All the area around me looked so dreary and drab. The only exciting thing of color was the orange tones in the fence post. But, I guess when you look at the picture enough, you can even see the beauty here, too, and not just in the fence posts.
This is one place I don't mind not seeing signs of spring. This place is not too far from our back door. It's what I call the "Mosquito Pond". This area fills up pretty good with sub water and along with that comes those pesky, little blood suckers. Still trying to figure that one out - why, oh why, or what purpose do those little creatures have for even existing.
And for no other reason than I thought it was pretty did I take this next picture. I never thought I would say that sage brush was pretty but looking at the hues of blue, yellow, and green in this picture made me happy. Putting my happy on - aha!
I haven't seen too many deer on the lawn lately but by the looks of the path I took today, I'd say they're not too far off.
I didn't april fools anybody either! It has been no stop windy for the past 33 days. (i've been counting) So leaving the house is never warm, even when it's 61 degrees outside. Beautiful pictures, as always, especially the cows and calves in the pivot :)