For those of you who know me, you know I am a totally wanny when it comes to shot needles. Today I needed to go and get some blood drawn because I am on high blood pressure pills and they said they needed to do a blood draw to make sure the pills were not affecting my liver or kidneys. If that wasn't bad enough, when the nurse was stretching the band to put around my arm to make my veins stand up, she accidentally (so she says) let go of the rubber banding and popped me right in the side, a good one. We laughed till we were almost crying. After that experience, I decided to go for a ride, while licking my wounds, to see how the mine hill was. Now if you read my Mine Hill sledding experience that happened on Tuesday night, I'm going to take you along the road that we were trying to get my car off of. Not too steep, but steep enough when you are trying to get your car off an eight tenths of a mile, solid snow/ice packed road, in the dark. I can't believe the difference three days makes from being really snow/ice packed to bare roads. Enjoy the views as we head down the same road while picturing in your mind the events of Tuesday night.
Things are always better in the day light......usually. I am like you I can find beauty in everything. A lot of it is a positive attitude. Keep up the picture taking it brings you a lot of joy. Max