Saturday, February 25, 2012

God's Country

Yesterday, after I had driven down off of the mine hill and was cruising around town, I came across this site.  Wow, Old Glory and Mt, McCaleb in one shot..............just goes to prove that Mackay is, of course, God's Country.  I spotted the flag flying as I was coming down main street and decided to drive one block down and head down a back alley to take this picture.  Mt. McCaleb is a photographic opportunity for many people who take pictures.  What a majestic mountain.  One lady here in the valley is actually making a photo book that is titled: McCaleb Moods.  She told me that everyday there is a different photo you can take of the old mountain and they are never the same.  I can believe that because since I have started taking pictures, I have a lot of Mt. McCaleb in my photo files.  Yessiree, you heard me right................God's Country.

I am behind mainstreet in this next picture just to show you the flag I noticed before taking the picture of it in front of Mt. McCaleb.  This building, believe it or not is right on our mainstreet.  Of course it doesn't look like this from the front view but it just goes to show you the story behind little old towns.  You can't help but love the atmosphere you get from little, small towns.

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