Saturday, December 31, 2011

Things U-NO

I found the cutest idea to make a handout for the Young Women in my ward.  I got my idea from SugarDoodle, and took it from there, making up my own handout.  I love the SugarDoodle site, giving me many ideas for my calling in my ward.  If I have the idea, I can usually come up with something but it's the IDEAS that give me trouble.  Don't ya just love people out there who are so generous and willing to share their ideas? - I DO!  Here is my version of someone else's idea. 

After all my hard work of making the handouts and tying them onto "U-NO" candy bars, I had my husband read my blog and he noticed a mistake in the second line of the stated: who love you.  It should  have read: who loves you.  Yes, I could have just let it go and explain to the girls that I made a mistake and yada, yada, yada.  But to those of you reading this blog who know me, you know that wasn't going to happen.  Of course, I had to fix my mistake, re-run copies of the handout, cut them out, and re-tie them onto the candybars. 
Agh-h-h-h-h.........I feel better now.   


  1. I would not have redone them. You are crazy!!! Just kidding. The world needs people like you.

  2. glad you feel better after fixing your boo boo. As I was reading I caught it also and was going to call you because I knew you would fix it, but as I read on I saw where you said Evan pointed it out to you. GOOD WORK. Max

  3. This is cute! Our young women are such lucky ducks. I would never have noticed that mistake, and the YW probably wouldn't have either. But leave it to you to make everything perfect!
