Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bucks At Play

These two bucks were in the field just out our back door this morning, playing and locking horns.  I thought I had my camera in video mode when I shot this first picture and was disappointed that I didn't get a video of them playing.  Very shortly after snapping this photo, they went on their way. 

But...................wahoo.  I decided to keep watching (with my camera in VIDEO mode...this time) to see if they would continue to play.  It seemed it was the larger of the two bucks that wanted to keep playing, thus, I did get some footage.  The first footage I took was from inside our home.  I wanted to see if I could get a better shot so I snuck out the back door and stood on the porch, waiting for my moment.  Sure enough, the larger buck slowly moved towards the smaller buck and started to engage in another bout of play time.

1 comment:

  1. We don't have any deer by our house, which is a bummer because the boys would have loved to see this. I'll show it to them when they get up tomorrow, it'll make their play time more interesting. Or more dangerous.
