Friday, March 30, 2018

Bridal Wreath Spirea Trimming

To say that our bridal wreath spirea was way overgrown and a total mess would be an understatement! We have lived in this home for 20 years and other than cutting out branches here and there, the spirea has never had a good trimming.
 My sister and her husband had a weed eater that they no longer needed so they gave it to us and boy, did it ever save us oodles of time.  It only took husband, approximately two hours to trim the entire hedge.  That sounds like quite awhile, but when you consider the total mess it was in, I'm thinking it was fantastic.  Both sides had big piles of branches.
Now that it is all trimmed, I can't wait for spring to see how it is going to look.  The farthest end is so thick but due to a bad winter a few years ago, this lower end is a bit more sparse, as you can see in the above photo.  I hope we did a good thing trimming it up.


  1. Hi Marsha!

    I love, Bridal Wreath! I remember having it in our yard when I was a girl, and i thought it was so pretty when it was in bloom. I'm excited for you to post photos of yours when it's in bloom, it must look amazing as a hedge!

    My daughter told me the other day that your aunt, Dorthy, asked her if she could come and see their home. She hadn't been in it since it was sold, years ago. Jess was a little nervous, because they have made some changes. Dorothy loved it, and thought the changes were good. She told Jess that she thought you were the most amazing photographer, and wanted to know if that's how we met. She told her no, that we had met through blogging, but, I have to agree with her, you are a wonderful photographer!!

    Happy Easter sweet friend!!

    Hugs and Love,

  2. Wow, that is quite the job. I think it will beautiful as it starts to bloom. Those weed eaters are wonderful for trimming. My husband was out trimming some of our bushes this week also. I think we are all ready for spring and the beauty it brings.
    Wishing for you a sweet Easter Celebration. First day of conference was so wonderful and I cried a lot. The spirit was just so strong.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs~
