Sunday, November 12, 2017

Vapor (Contrail) Trails

I have a blogging friend that posted a blog the other day and in that blog, it contained some pictures of clouds with vapor trails (A vapor trail or contrail is a condensation trail made by the exhaust of an aircraft engine).  I have seen the trailing's of jets in the sky before, but not to the extent as the one she had posted.  To see her vapor trails, go HERE.  If you would like to learn more about vapor (contrail) trails, go HERE.
After viewing her blog, I made a comment telling her this: The vapor trail photos are amazing.  I don't think I have ever seen a sky that looks like that. The top photo just had me spellbound.
This morning as I looked out the window, I couldn't believe my eyes.  There it was.....beautiful vapor trails.  They were not to the extent of hers, but non-the-less, I was able to view a sky full.
Like I stated earlier, I've seen a jet trail here or there, but never this many at one time.  It was so beautiful to me that I just kept taking one photo after another.
It's hard to see in the photos, but in the third photo down there are actually 6 trails.  I'm thinking I just had one of those special moments that God placed before me....especially where I had just stated a few days ago how amazing her vapor trails were and that I had never before seen a sky like that.  Coincidence?  Don't think so!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marsha~

    Yes, I think so!

    I just think that the vapor trails are so beautiful, and with your wide open skies, I can only imagine how gorgeous they were...the photos are beautiful!! They are quite mesmerizing aren't they? I probably had 25 photos of them! I really love the gorgeous mountains in the background...pretty enough to frame!!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs and Love,
