Monday, October 23, 2017

October Entry Way Desk Decorations

Here it is, almost the end of October........................I actually see my life passing right by me the way time just seems to disappear. 
This month has actually not been a good month for me.  A very dear friend passed away and my oldest daughter and her family moved to Forest Grove, Oregon.
I did, however, take the time to decorate my entry way desk.  I do find joy in decorating this desk each month, although I am running out of ideas from one year to the next.  I try to add something different each year and each time I walk past my desk, I find joy.
This is what my desk looked last year.......
And this is how it looks this love this time of year! I would have liked to put the orange bow on the horseshoe tree again this year, but for the life of me, I searched my home high and low but could not find where I put it.  But looking on the bright side, I'm sure it will turn up around Christmas time.


  1. This really is so cute! I love the cute items that you find to put on th horseshoe. You are very creative; I don't have that gift.
    Sorry that you had a family move away. Right now I only have one son that lives near and we son't see them often. My other five children live in other States Australia. However, I do have a daughter with her family moving in with us from Arizona for a while until they get enough funds to buy a home. My daughter from Australia is moving back to the States around the first of the year. I'm going to love having a daughter here and my other one closer.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Hi Marsha~

    I'm so sorry that you have had a bad's so hard to have your kids move away. I'm also sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, that's a hard one. We went through that last year, it was very difficult, and still is. You will be in my prayers, sweet friend.

    I love your cute dresser all dolled up for Halloween!! Very cute little decorations, I love the little ghost leaning up against the pumpkin - those ghosts probably get tired this time of year, all that haunting must wear them out!! And, you will find that bow when you don't need it...welcome to my world!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. Love your decorations. I also like the ghost leaning on the pumpkin. I have really enjoyed all the things you have come up with since you got your horse shoe tree. I don't know where you come up with all your cute ideas. Keep up the good work...Max
