Thursday, September 21, 2017

Totality Eclipse in Idaho.......8/21/2017

Wow, this is a long time coming, blog.  It's been exactly one month from today that the eclipse took place and here I am now, just getting around to blogging about it.  I'd say, let's get this show on the road.......before I totality forget what I need to write - ha!
First off, are pictures of my entry way desk and horseshoe tree decorations.  I still enjoy decorating this desk each month and for every occasion.
Before the actual date of totality, which fell on the 21st of August, we had family and friends start arriving at our home on the 16th.  So, so much fun.  I really enjoy visiting with family and friends.  One thing all the kids enjoyed was riding the cart behind the 4-wheeler.  We also had darts, badminton, and a corn (sand) box for the kiddos.

Another fun thing going on was honking..............LOTS of HONKING....Before and after the eclipse.  Before the eclipse, I was standing out back of the house and heard cars honking.  Not just a few honks here and there, but a continuing honking of horns.  I walked around to the front of our home to see what was going on and this is what I funny.  Young and old alike were out sitting on the fence, pumping their arms up and down getting cars to honk their horns.

We even had a little hair-styling, going on.  I don't know the real term for this, but my niece was getting her hair highlighted, anyways that's what I think they were doing.  Whatever it was, it turned out beautiful.
A few days before the eclipse, we drove to town to the craft festival on main street.  All summer long, there is a minion looking character that is placed around town in the front of businesses.  In order for it to be removed from a place of business, the owner of that business has to pay money.  And not to be left out, the big minion looking character even had on a pair of eclipse glasses.  Cute.
On eclipse day, we had a big breakfast outside for everyone....a total of 27 people.  We had pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage patties.
As time drew near for the eclipse, we all headed out to the field next to our home so there would be no objects, trees, or anything to block our view.  Everyone was just sitting around laughing, visiting, picking produce from my husbands garden and just enjoying each others company.
Finally, the time was here..............the event we had all been waiting for in anticipation.......ECLIPSE TOTALITY!
You can go to the following VLOG to see what my son-in-laws cousin video taped and right below, is a video I took.  The first video (vlog) is more on a professional level and shows a lot of what was happening all day, leading up to totality.  Mine is a shorter video and shows only the happenings taking place during totality of the eclipse. 

And then.........just like that, in approximately 2 minutes and 13 seconds it was all over. Everyone took their places, standing around, talking, running through the garden..................
And others, like my little grandson, were just totally tuckered out from a full morning of eating and playing.............just waiting for the big moment.
It was something I will more than likely never again see in my lifetime but while it was happening, I can, without a doubt say that it definitely put everyone in a place of total AWENESS!


  1. Hi Marsha!

    Wow, wow, wow!! I know what you mean by, AWENESS! The eclipse was something special wasn't it?!

    Speaking of special...what fun to have your family come for the eclipse. All those cute faces, especially one little cute boy, sure looked like they were having fun. The pancake breakfast looked fun, nothing like eating pancakes outside, it's the best.

    Your garden is AMAZING! Now, if I could get my garden to grow like that, I would be so happy, it's beautiful. I love the Petunias growing all around, I love Petunias. And, are those, Dahlias? They are gorgeous!

    The videos were amazing as well, it truly was a once in a lifetime event . . . unless you are willing to travel . . . I might be willing to travel... ;-)

    Of course, I love your cute little horseshoe tree, you always decorate it so cute!

    Thanks for sharing your "aweness" day with us, it looked perfect!

    Hugs and Love,

  2. Wow, I loved this awesome post on your fun time viewing the eclipse. I love that your family came for the eclipse and had such a good time. I loved the cart full of children going on a ride. The photos of family and especially the grandchildren was so fun. I thought the honking moment was way fun.
    I always enjoy your creativity with your horseshoe deocration. What a fun one for the Eclipse. I did like the Minion in front of the store with the eclipse glasses on; very cute.
    I loved the vidoes; they were amazing!
    Blessings and hugs!

  3. Your horseshoe decoration was so so cute. I loved it. All your pictures were great and made a spectacular blog. I am so glad Dean and I made the trip to your house for the eclipse. It was a once in a life time fun filled week for us....max
