Saturday, February 4, 2017

Snow Serenity.....Or Not

As I got up and looked out our dining room window this morning, it looked so peaceful and serene. 
That thought was quickly deflated as I remembered hearing the snowplow scraping the road before the break of dawn.  I really did not want to look out our back door to see how much snow had fallen.  The back door is always my indicator of how much snow has fallen.  I keep a place cleared off so with each new snow fall, I can measure it.  Not too bad (4.5"), but bad enough that I knew I would be pushing the snow shovel.
Then of course, we have the front door where each snowfall gets piled up as it slides off the roof.
Whew, shortly after....well not shortly....let's just say a while later...back yard/front yard....DONE!
Well, I thought it was done.....After taking the above pictures and going in the house,  I heard the old familiar rumble, rumble, rumble sound that is not a happy sound to hear.  I looked out the front door, only to see what I had just scooped had more snow waiting for me.  It doesn't look like much but the snow that tumbles from the roof get compacted really quickly and is heavy to move.  I scoop it out in layers.
This next picture really made my day.  Never before have I seen a fly out walking around in the snow.  I'm sure he was just scouting the area looking for some little spot that he could use to sneak into our home.
The rest of these pictures were just some that I took while outside and decided I might as well post them, too.


  1. Wow that is a lot of snow! So ironic to see a fly out there. I wonder if he felt cold? ;-) Have a good Sunday!

  2. That is what we looked like awhile ago but we finally got a few days of warm weather and some rain that melted quite a bit. You will have good muscle tone after lifting all that snow...Max

  3. Hi Marsha!

    The snow is so beautiful - and probably shrinking in size about now! That first photo is just gorgeous!!

    We have been heating up, and it's not so pretty! So much flooding in our area, it's really scary. Many of the people in my ward have had so much flood damage, and it's still not over.

    Hope you are faring well through this crazy winter!


  4. Oh you do have a lot of snow and it is piles high. I think that is a lot of shoveling. The photos tell the tale. I am so surprised what you saw a fly. Usually there are never flies at this time of year.
    Blessings and hugs for you!
