Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Snow At The Mine Hill Bridge

I needed to go to the post office today and while I was up town, I decided to drive up to the mine hill bridge.  I haven't been there for quite some time and I thought it would be pretty with all the snow we have been getting.  I was right..............
On the way up to the bridge, I remember seeing a bunch of deer off the side of the road so on my way back to town, I drove very slowly looking for the deer.  There were a group of 4 deer standing in the quakies just off the side of the road.  One deer was standing really close to the road, posing, so I decided to snap a picture.


  1. Winter and snow really is pretty if we just didn't have to shovel it and drive in it..Max

  2. Wow - great pictures. I love the snow - the cold temps and ice that go with it, not so much. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  3. Hi Marsha~

    Love, love the pictures of the snow and the deer! So beautiful! I would have been scared to drive on the back roads, I hope they were at least paved or packed down.

    I have to say, I didn't have much Christmas Spirit this year. I always have a hard time with it. I think some of it is just seasonal depression from not much light, but also, Christmas just isn't what it used to be . . . not sure what I expect!?

    Blogging has been hit and miss for me for a while. It just seems like it is always the last thing on my list of, "to do's", and I rarely get through that list... :0) I have vowed to be better, but we'll see about that. Being under the weather has not helped. I'm trying to get myself together, but wow, it's been a hard one!

    I love your blog!!


  4. Hi Marsha~

    Love, love the pictures of the snow and the deer! So beautiful! I would have been scared to drive on the back roads, I hope they were at least paved or packed down.

    I love your blog!!

