Monday, January 16, 2017

Shoveling/Scooping Snow....Stop Snowing, Please.

Last Monday (1-9-17) morning we woke up to this....a foggy, dreary, cold day with 4" of new snow.  Oh we so need the snow to replenish our water supply, but oh I am getting tired of shoveling it.
By 8am, the fog cleared off and the sun came out so I went to work scooping/shoveling snow.  After two hours, I had cleared the walkways, in front of the garage and part of the driveway and the area where we get the mail so it would be better for the mail carrier to get to our mailbox.
 All during the day when I hear the rumble of snow coming off the roof, I go outside and dig it out of the walkways.  If I don't dig it out right away, it packs down and makes it nearly impossible to clear it out.  You can see in the last picture with the black cat where I had been working on clearing the kitty trail of snow that had just came off the roof.......I still had a ways to go.  I had everything clear when my husband got home from work and decided to clear the roof on the back side of the house over the doorway as it had not come down on its own.  When he was done clearing off that section, he cleared the pathway...........Yeah!  I was tired of scooping/shoveling snow.  I'd been scooping and shoveling for a few days as you can see by how deep the snow is on both sides of the areas I had cleared.


  1. That is a lot of snow. Do you guys have a snow blower? I think we are going to get one when we move back to Utah. Of course, a snow blower wouldn't work on the roof. Hope you can stay ahead of it. At least you are getting your exercise.

  2. Your snow looks like what we have been getting this year. My arms are just about worn out. Know how you feel. Only difference is I am your older sister and have 10 years on you ha ha.....Max

  3. Hi!

    Boy, can I identify with the snow falling off the roof! I sometimes wonder why we put a metal roof on the house. Hopefully we will be getting a warm up soon! You guys have really been cold though, I'm praying for warmer weather. We still have an ice skating pond in the driveway, and the roads here are still icy and slick. Hurry up spring!

    Stay warm!


  4. Oh my this doesn't look like a lot of work. I hope you aren't too sore from shoveling all that snow. We haven't had a ton of snow and we have some snow angels that keep coming and clearing our walk and driveways; which has been such a blessing for us. My husband couldn't really do it because of his shoulder surgery last year and our missionary work limits our time. We feel so blessed. Stay safe dear friend during all of this winter weather. Hugs~

  5. I kind of like shoveling snow, it's kind of hard but sure makes for some amazing arm muscles!
