Saturday, January 7, 2017

Designed Frost Scenery

Looks can really be deceiving, can't they?!  When you look at this picture, you see snow on the ground, but you don't really see how cold it is.  The sun is shining, everything looks peaceful, but the air temperature..................frigid!  During the night, it was -11 degrees and it was still a negative temperature when I took this picture yesterday (1.6.2017), which was a little after noon.
I was trying to get a photo of some frost designs on our outside door but they did not show up.  They look like little smudges on the photo but when all was said and done, I really like how the unintended photo turned out.  I was quite surprised to even see that I had a pretty landscape when all I was seeing at the time was designed frost on the window. 


  1. Oh wow that is COLD! I am shivering and cold here in AZ tonight - it is a frigid 56! Tomorrow will only be 75! Seriously, do cozy up inside and stay warm. That is dangerous cold!

  2. Hi!!

    I know what you mean, it's so cold!! But, what a beautiful photo. This is not good weather to have a birthday!! Not sure if I'm early or late, but happy birthday are one special lady, and o hope your day was or will be full of love and warmth!

    When you get ready to pull up stakes for a month or so, call us, we're game!!

    Warm hugs,
