Thursday, December 8, 2016

1234567 Odometer…Lil Mike’s…the Caramel Tree…and Leaves

Wow, these photos were taken way back at the first of November (November 5th) and I’m just now getting around to blogging about it.  Anyhow, on November 5th, my husband and I headed across the desert to visit with our daughter and her little family and to pick up a few items that we can’t get where we live. 
As we were traveling across the desert, the odometer on our vehicle turned to “123456.7” so we pulled off alongside the road and took a picture of it.
My husband dropped me off at our daughters home while he went to get a few things and when he came back, we all went out to lunch.  We went to a place called “Lil’ Mikes”.  The menu is posted on the wall and the food was good enough that I would go there again.
Here are some photos that I took of the inside.
This next picture of my little grandson looks like he is thinking…..”hey gran-ma, can you tell what I’m thinking?  He is such a cute little bug!
After eating, we walked around the corner to a place called “Caramel Tree”.  WARNING….some really good stuff in there.  If you are on a diet of any sorts, do not enter!
I love the look of the old tiled ceiling.
And this saying that was posted on the wall.
It was time to head back to our daughters home and let some little man play in the raked leaves pile.
A little mischievous person got a wee bit close to the camera lens!
It was such a nice day and our time had come to an end as we needed to drive across the desert to get home before dark.  Driving around dusk at our home is taking danger in your own hands.  From dusk on into the evening, a lot of deer come out and more times than I care to mention, they seem to get in the road.  If you like your vehicle, we, and most of the local people in our area know to really slow your speed as the sun starts to go down.


  1. What a delightful day! And such a cutie pie you got there! Was this in Idaho Falls? That restaurant looks like a fun one!

  2. That restaurant looks neat. What are the odds of catching you odometer just at that perfect time. Looks like the little one enjoyed playing in leaves. My grandkids liked to do that to..Max

  3. This looks like such a lovely adventure. The Restaurant looked like a good one. I love all the photos and especially of your little grandson.
    We hit a deer a few years back. We weren't go very fast but it was right there and we couldn't stop in time. I felt so sad. It is wise to drive slow in deer prone areas. Loved this one! Hugs~

  4. Hi!

    Haha, your odometer looks like mine...although I think you may have me beat by a few miles. My poor car is a 1996!! I think,it needs to be replaced at some point...but not yet, it still runs pretty dang good.

    Your little grand is adorable, he definitely looks like his grandma! I'm glad that they are close enough to go see them often. It looked like you had a fun time. I would love to go to both places, I've heard good things about them.

    I totally understand about driving at dusk. A few nights ago we were coming home from Blackfoot, and there was a deer on the side of the road that had just been hit. Its scary stuff.

    Enjoy the snow!!!


  5. Haha, I just got the odometer...1234567...duh!
