MMMM……….of all bottled fruit, PEACHES are my favorite. I love to eat them in a bowl plain or with just a little bit of milk and in the mornings, for breakfast, alongside a slice of toast with butter. They also make very yummy peach cobbler. They are also great piled with cottage cheese. And………….! With peaches, the list can go on forever.
I got all my peaches when I went to Utah over Labor Day weekend. I wasn’t thinking, and while picking them, I pulled out the bottom of my t-shirt and began loading up my t-shirt with fresh picked peaches then transferring them to a box. After all was said and done and I had picked the peaches needed, the itches started coming. Wowza, my arms and entire torso itched. How could I have not thought that was going to happen! But, I’m here to tell you it was all worth it.
After bottling 28 quarts of peaches in Utah, with my sister and her husband, I came home with another load of peaches and bottled 20 more quarts yesterday, giving me a total of 48 quarts.
Seriously, is there anything more beautiful than bottled slices of sunshine?!
Oh, these bottled peaches are beautiful. I really love peaches too and in some of the same ways too. It has been many years since I have bottled peaches; shame on me. Sending hugs your way!