Thursday, May 12, 2016

Tautphaus Park Zoo Trip

My Utah daughter adventures eventually ended and I came home, but only for one day and then I was headed back out the door to go stay with my other daughter in Idaho.  It was their anniversary so I went to their home to stay with my 2-year old grandson while they went to a dinner/play at the Mystique Theatre which under new management is now called the Palace Playhouse.  After the play they stayed over night at the Black Swan Inn.  I had a wonderful time with my little grandson and he was perfect, the entire time. 
My daughter wanted me to stay for a few more days and we had a great time.  One of those days was spent at the Tautphaus Park Zoo in Idaho Falls.  I think it was a bit early to visit the zoo because there were a lot of empty animal exhibits.  I personally do not think they should have charged us full admission where many of the animals were not in yet, but…………………..
I think of all the exhibits, my little grandson enjoyed the monkeys the best.
As a matter of fact, this monkey looked just like my grandson……..


  1. You really had a fun busy couple of weeks with family. You are right, if you look close you can definitely see the resemblance between the monkey and the little one..Max

  2. Hi Marsha!

    What a fun post - your little grand is adorable! My husband and I both got a chuckle of the picture with the monkey and his reflection . . . too cute! I love the zoo, but it is pricey, especially when all the animals aren't out. On Mother's Day, we were at my mother's so we drove through Tauphus Park. I have not been there for a few years. The parking was crazy that day, I was glad we were just driving through!

    Fun post!


  3. Zoos are always fun! We used to go to the zoo, where ever we lived, when the kids were young and it was always a favorite, and the kids learned a lot from those experiences. We have visited zoos across the country. So nice that you were able to spend some time with both of your daughters and your grandson! Have a good weekend.

  4. Oh, it looks like such a fun trip. Your little grandson is just adorable. I loved the photos of the monkey too. I was feeling envious and which we could travel to Idaho Falls. I am really missing my children. We are having a family reunion in June that we have permission to go to and all of our posterity should be there.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way~
