Wednesday, May 18, 2016

New Graveled Driveway

Due to a water leak and having to replace underground pipes, our driveway was such a mess this past winter with its DEEP ruts of mud pockets……Shutter!  I had to wear muck boots to go to my vehicle then change to better shoes once I got into the car.


Yesterday we had a gravel mixture brought to our home to SAVE our driveway and my sanity!  We had a big load dumped on the yard and then my husband used the tractor and a rake to level and smooth it out.  HAPPY DANCE!



  1. You will enjoy having a new driveway, I'm sure. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  2. Happy dance for sure. Like they say it has been a long winter. Enjoy your new driveway...Max

  3. Hi Marsha~

    Oh boy, do I feel your pain!
    So glad you can finally walk to your car without mucks on! We have, after two years, finally gotten our yard in shape. I'm sure you are doing a happy dance!


  4. Aw w, very happy you got the driveway fixed. It is so irritating when one has these kinds of things going on. I remember well a gravel driveway we had many years ago. Blessing and hugs for you both~
