Sunday, May 22, 2016

Husband’s Tick Bite

Thursday morning around 3am, my husband felt a lump on his leg so he got out of bed to see what it was.  YUCK, it was a wood tick.  Those little creatures give me the creepies.  He took it out of his leg and put it in a zip-lock baggie.  We’re keeping it incase we need to have it tested, or something like that….and as of today (Sunday evening), he is still alive.  This is the actual tick he took out.


I didn’t get a picture of my husbands leg but I found a picture on Google images that looks like his leg. His leg had the dark center with the red ring around the outside.


We are putting essential oils on the bite and his leg looks better every day.  We are watching closely for any changes/symptoms he might be having as far as Lyme Disease, or other tick illnesses humans can get from tick bites.
On the internet Healthline, it states that lyme disease can be very difficult to diagnose and that the best time to test for Lyme disease is several weeks after infection occurs. This is when the tests are most accurate.
On the other hand, WebMD states that most ticks don't carry diseases, and most tick bites don't cause serious health problems. But it is important to remove a tick as soon as you find it. Removing the tick's body helps you avoid diseases the tick may pass on during feeding. Usually, removing the tick, washing the site of the bite, and watching for signs of illness are all that is needed.


  1. This is an important one to take care of. I remember ticks being a problem as a child. My mother would comb through hair and look all over for them. My father did get tick fever and in those days there wasn't a good treatment. He had a priesthood blessing and was OK. I am glad that you put all that information out and took the pictures too. Thanks you good friend for the info. I hope that the site clears up quickly with no complications. Hugs~

  2. Ticks are as bad as the scorpions we have here. A lady in our ward got Lyme Disease and she was really sick for a year. I am sure glad your husband got the tick out. There are a lot of ticks where my oldest daughter lives in Maryland and my grand daughter got one on here at the playground when I was there, so I missed the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference bathing the grand kids and checking for further ticks. We are just glad we found it while it was still crawling on her and had burrowed. Prayers for your husband's health. Have a good week!

  3. Ouch looks yucky. I Don't like the ugly little creatures at all. Whenever we go to our cabin we always check for them. Glad he was able to get it out...Max
