Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Fresh Baked Bread and a Field of Deer

Lately I've gotten a little behind in making bread so I got busy and made three loaves this week.  There is no comparison in taste between homemade bread and store bought bread.............. and.......this is a BIG AND.....there are no preservatives or artificial flavorings in homemade bread.
Looks like I will be making more bread tomorrow because I just gave away this loaf.

While making bread or anytime I am working in the kitchen, I am always looking out the windows to see what I will see for the day.  Today, it was deer.......37 to be exact.  My windows were pretty grungy from the rain so I thought it would be best to go outside and get some video footage.  It didn't take the deer long to realize I was standing there, and off they went.


  1. Your bread looks good. If you are giving it away I'll take one :) Max

  2. Cool video of the deer. The bread look delicious!!

  3. Hi Marsha!

    I love the deer, how fun that you were able to video them as long as you did! They are so pretty, and really, they didn't act very scared of you . . . you're not very scary . . . you are sweet!


  4. I think it is so fun that you have deer right by you. Awesome footage. When we lived in Spokane the deer would come down into our property and of course they loved to munch on our trees. I can smell that bread from here and I want some with butter and honey or jam. So darn good; I should make my own bread again. Hugs for this one~
