Monday, February 15, 2016


We have a real problem in our household and we do not have a clue what to do about it.  You see, it’s flies.  We always have flies in our home.  My husband said as long as he can remember, there have been flies in this home.  The home we live in was also the home my husband grew up in.
We had all new windows put in our home 3 years ago and I was hoping this would help with the fly problem but no, NOT EVEN!  We have flies all-year-round.  I’m about at my wits end with flies.  They are especially bad right when Fall/Autumn is coming on and when it starts warming up in the Spring.  When the summer months are here and the weather is hot, we don’t have too many, but we still have them.  I have a Scorpion Dirt Devil, hand-held vacuum with a flip down nozzle that I use to suck the live flies out of our windows.
Capture 456

The past few days, when the weather has been warming up and the snow is starting to melt, the flies are back in force.  As a rule, I try to sweep my floors every day.  I don’t clean our home on Sundays and just from Saturday when I swept, skipping Sunday, and now this being Monday morning, this is the pile of flies that were dead beneath our night light we keep in the hallway.  Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


As mentioned, every day, multiple times, I go around with my handy little hand-held vacuum, sucking flies out of our windows.  They like the sunny window areas and don’t seem to fly around the house too much.  By vacuuming them constantly, we don’t have them in the kitchen and dining areas around food.  What am I to do????????
I took a picture of this fly on our window one day before I introduced him to Mr. Scorpion Dirt Devil ………..Mwahhh, ha, ha, ha!



  1. Not a fun problem. I don't like flies at all. I remember one house we lived in when I was a teenager had a fly problem and my parents finally figured out it was due to a nearby field where the farmer used lots of manure. Have a called an exterminator? Not sure that would help, but it might. I hope you figure it out. Flies are no fun!

  2. Hi Marsha~

    I'm so sorry! I think I would call someone to come and spray the inside of the house. I know it can be scary to have pesticides inside your home, but it might help the flies. I have had them spray for Hobo Spiders in the past, and they assure me that it's safe . . . :0| Are they maybe coming from your attic? I hope you can figure out why they are invading you . . . come to think of it, I found a fly on my front door window last week, yikes! Good luck!


  3. Wow, flies are not a good idea at all. I am so sorry you are having such a time with them. I hope you can figure something out. I assume you probably have googled it. There might be something out there that would help. I did think you got a really good close up photo of the fly.
    Blessings for getting rid of the flies. Hugs~
