Monday, December 21, 2015

Cat Taking Over Magpie Territory

We have a new (stray) mamma cat staying at our home and I don’t think the magpies are liking her too much.  She is now getting the food they thought was theirs. 
She also has 4 babies (two half-siamese, a black & white, and a white and grey stripe) but they are pretty wild.  I can’t even touch the door handle and they are gone.  It has taken me a month to tame the mamma enough to get her to come in and eat.  She even let me pet her this week.
Unlike the magpies, this mamma is a mouser.  She is constantly bringing in mice from the field to give to her babies.
One of the babies was sitting at the edge of the driveway last week and I had to really zoom in to get a picture.  I think this one is so darling and I really want to tame it.


  1. Such cute kitties. We tried to tame some feral cats when we lived in California and didn't have much luck. I hope you do better with it. You probably will since it looks like you are in a more rural setting with lots of land. Hope your Christmas week is going well.

  2. I love the pictures of the cats; they are adorable. I remember having wild cats at our farm when I was little. I used to have cats through the years until I found out that I was allergic.
    Blessings and hugs!
