Monday, September 14, 2015

Model Airplane Flight Show

On Friday, August 21st, my nephew and his family came to visit us for a few days.  As we were headed up the road, my nephew, who is an airplane pilot, spotted some model planes at our airport.  So yes, we had to stop and check it out to see what was going on.  A gentleman had come to our town and was giving some flying demonstrations to a group of people.  As luck would have it, they were just finishing up and putting all the planes away when we arrived. 
My nephew really wanted to see the planes so he went over and talked to the gentleman for a few minutes and the next thing we knew, we were all summoned to get out of the vehicle.  There were still two planes that hadn’t been put away so the gentleman gave us a private little show.  It was amazing how he controlled the model plane, making it do loop-de-loos, flying upside down, etc.  These planes really fly at a pretty good speed.  Now, these model planes are not the type of plane I think of when I think of a model airplane…..these planes were huge.  It was fun and exciting watching him soar the plane around, just for us!

IMG_1380 IMG_1383

These are the controllers used to fly the planes.

IMG_1381 IMG_1384 



After the flight show, the planes were wiped down and all the gas drained out.



  1. I have seen people around here with those kinds of model airplanes. They are really quite fascinating. Great pictures. Have a good week!

  2. Wow, I haven't seen this size of model planes that are used for flying. I loved the pictures on this one. How lucky to get this private show.

  3. We have been to a couple of model plane shows with large planes and small ones in Heber and they are fantastic. Hard to believe how they are able to control them. Dean loves to watch them. That was great you were able to have a private showing...Max

  4. Hi Marsha!

    I loved the model airplanes - what a treat for your nephew and his family. Once in a while, when I drive by the river, I see people with model airplanes and it looks like fun!

