Saturday, August 1, 2015

Tattered Deer Ear

Yesterday, I went to town to fill up with gas and to go wash my vehicle.  I decided to take a little detour on the way home and I spotted a deer coming out of the thicket.  At first I wasn’t going to take any pictures because my thoughts were at the time….ah, just another deer and I have tons of deer pictures.  Well, after sitting and watching her for a bit, I decided to get out my camera and take a few shots.


It wasn’t until today, after loading the pictures on my computer and got a close up view that I noticed one ear on the deer looked all tattered.



If only she could talk……………………....I’ll bet there’s quite a story behind what happened.


  1. You got some great close ups and there probably is a good story on how the deer got the ear problem.
    You are doing well out and about; I am happy about that. Blessings and hugs!

  2. Hi Marsha!

    He really got tattered and torn!! I does make we wonder what happened to him...poor thing.

    I love your pictures! I especially love the one with the fence in it - should be on a post card, it's just beautiful, but, all of your pictures are gorgeous!

    Your poor knee! I pray that it is feeling better. I'm so glad you got out of the house, that in it's self will make all the difference in how you feel! Jess has to get out at least once a week, or she goes crazy! We have weaned her down to someone staying with her only twice a week . . . scary!

    Take care!

