Friday, August 28, 2015

Custer County Fair

A week or so before the Custer County Fair (our local fair), I received a 63-page fair book in the mail.  This book was absolutely amazing.  It had all the information needed to place exhibits in the fair plus a lot of colored photos from last years fair, along with winners, and oodles of other information.  I think this is the best fair book the county has ever printed.  I’m not sure who did the artwork on the front cover, but I’m thinking it was a 4-H student.
I used to put craft exhibits in the fair quite frequently in the past (way past), but I hadn’t done so in years.  I decided I would put in a few photos last year and had done well.  This year, the regulations were a bit different and I didn’t know if I would get the supplies needed or even get around to entering anything.
I had been talking to others about supporting our valley and entering projects but hadn’t actually prepared anything myself to support the fair.  As it turned out, and at the last moment (11 a.m.), the day to enter exhibits, I decided to print out a few pictures and crochet a pair of baby booties.  It took me the rest of the day to get my items ready and I made it up to the fair to enter my exhibits 1/2 hour before closing.  It was a fast-paced day, and as it turned out, I won ribbons on my exhibits.
It was a fun, last minute thing to do and I felt good helping support our little home-town fair. 
I had forgotten about prize money until I went to pick up my entries on the last day of the fair.  Along with getting back my entries, they handed me an envelope containing $10.  You actually get $2 for each blue ribbon received.  BONUS….this will help me buy ink to print off photos for next year. 


  1. Way to go. Your exibits were neat and worth the blue ribbons you got. The money was an added bonus. Get busy on next year's entries..Max

  2. Wow, I loved the pictures and the booties. These were great entries so I can see why you won. Congratulations and I think it is awesome you received some money too. I think small town fairs are the best.

  3. Hi Marsha!!

    That is awesome!! Your pictures are wonderful, you are a great photographer! I love to crochet, and I love the booties, I too can see why you won. What a talented lady you are!

