Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Vigorous Hail Storm

I tried numerous times to post a blog using my usual blogging program, Windows Live Writer.  After multiple tries, I got out of every program and retried again....didn't work.  My next step was to shut down my computer, wait 10 minutes, turn it back on and try again....didn't work.  So, with that being said, I am trying a different approach and hopefully this will work.  I don't like it nearly as well as Windows Live Writer, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will work.

I was just sitting in the house playing….well, not playing….attempting to play the piano with one hand, when I heard the loudest noise.  It was so loud, it actually scared me for a minute until I figured out what was going on.  It was a 3 – 5 minute, very vigorous, hail storm.


This put my mind in chaos….ok, do I film this or try to save my large hanging planters.  Well, the planters won out, but lost.  I ran for the planters to bring them to the safety of the house but I guess my running/half-way running/running-walk, to retrieve my planters wasn’t quite fast enough.  They took a pretty hard beating.  It severed many blooms and ripped others.

Even my little, Mother’s Day, potted plant on the porch did not escape the little hail balls.


  1. We had a rain storm that sounded like hail. I was under carport waiting it out. Poor little flowers..max

  2. Hi Marsha~

    Wow! I was worried that you guys were taking a beating from the hail. The pictures I took, and put on my blog were the clouds that were probably hailing on you when I took the picture. It was only about 40 minutes or so later that it was hailing here. We didn't get it quite that bad, but it sure sounded bad on my metal roof!

    I'm so sorry about your poor plants! Petunias are tender little things, but tough! In a week, they'll be gorgeous again!

    I'm just glad we don't live in Texas... :0(


  3. I had heard that your area of the country was having a lot of storms. Glad your plants weren't a total loss. No rain here in AZ - I would love another nice cooling rain as we are starting to warm up this week. Have a great Thursday!

  4. We had a brief hailstorm here the other day too. Luckily, I haven't gotten any plants yet. However, my little Mother's Day flower died within three days which is normal for me. I just don't have a green thumb.
    I am sorry that it hurt your plants. I hope they will continue to bloom. The post looks great whatever you did worked.
    Blessings and hugs!
