Thursday, February 5, 2015

Brownie Bowl and Ice Cream

My daughter sent me to a site that had some super looking, yummy desserts.  Of course my eyes went immediately to the “Brownie Bowls”.  Look at the site and you can see for yourself how tempting these look.  The recipe given at the site was not too informative, at least for me.  It just stated to use your favorite brownie recipe but it didn’t say at what temperature to cook the brownie muffins (before turning into brownie bowls) or how deep you were supposed to push down on the extra muffin tin, etc.  Well, I don’t profess to be a cook and given the instructions that were on the site……let’s just say that more of my brownie bowls didn’t turn out than did.  Although, those of you who know me, I will definitely try this recipe again, again, and again, till I get it right.  Another recipe I found said that they used a glass instead of an extra muffin tin to make indents in the brownie.  This way, you can see exactly what you are doing and how far down you need to push to make your bowl indent.  That’s the plan I am shooting for next time.  Anyways, here is a photo of my brownie bowl….basically the only one that turned out good enough for a photo.


Even though the rest of the brownie bowls didn’t turn out as good as this one, I’ll have to force myself to eat the others (sarcastic) – Ha!  Brownies and ice cream are always good………….no matter how it looks.

1 comment:

  1. It sure does look good. I want to try it. ....Janis....
