Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Snow

This past weekend my husband and I went to Rigby to visit with our daughter and her family.  We had reports that between Saturday night and Sunday morning, our little town received between 6-8” of snow.  I was excited to hear about the snow cause it meant we would definitely be having a white Christmas.  Yesterday afternoon around 2pm, it started snowing again and we got another 5-6”.  I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas….Just Like the Ones………  There’s just something about snow at Christmas that makes the day a bit more special.  This snow plow was going up our road this morning around 10:30. 



The snow looks super deep in this next picture because of all the snow that had fallen off of our roof and then all the fresh snow that fell on top of it.


Over the Ground Lies a Mantle of White…………………Walkin' in the Winter Wonderland.



  1. Hi Marsha!

    Isn't it wonderful to live in such a beautiful part of the world? your pictures are so beautiful! I just loved having snow for Christmas, and I hear we have another 3-5 inches on the way!


  2. I will say it is white, and pretty....Janis....
