Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Black Friday Wal-Mart Shopping

My son-in-law is a super shopper and he asked if I wanted to go to the “Thanksgiving Evening” shopping at Wal-Mart.  What was I thinking……………I said yes………..oooh!  So we (myself, husband, sister, daughters and son-in-law) hopped in our vehicles and headed out to the madness.  This was actually my first time doing this and what an experience it was.  First of all, there was absolutely no parking spaces in the Wal-Mart parking lot so we opted to park quite a ways off and walk.  All around the parking lot, there were policemen and people, lots of people.  The moment you walked in the doors, you were greeted with a mob of people, everywhere!  NOTE: Yes, that is my daughter in front of me with the beautiful red hair.



At this point, I was starting to re-think my decision about going “Black Friday” shopping.  I was there for one reason only………..a big screen T.V.  We currently have a 26” T.V. and a pair of eyes needing a bigger viewing area.  As I am aging, I have noticed that my vision has a harder time focusing on the smaller, 26” screen.  I’m not so sure our larger  T.V. screen isn’t going to be a tad too large but I guess we’ll see how it works when it arrives.  The sale was very well organized and the lines actually moved at a pretty good pace.  I waited/walked in line following a maze (like waiting in line at Disneyland) and then when I got to the end of the line, I was handed a T.V. voucher. 


From there, I got in another line to make payment and then from home, I needed to register my purchase on line.  Now all that is left to do is wait for the “ready for pick-up” email.  By looking at the crowd of people, I would never have guess we would be in and out of Wal-Mart in under an hour, with no visible injuries. 


  1. Congratulations on your successful shopping and living to tell about it. - Aunt Joyce

  2. You will have to come again next year so we can have more fun. WHAT a lot of people. We all came away without any war wounds..ha ha...Max
